Saturday, August 11, 2012

Vancouver Traffic

If there is one thing I hate (and if you have read this blog, you know I hate a lot of things) it is traffic. Specifically Vancouver traffic. I hate sitting in traffic, I hate traffic like most people hate taxes, bee stings and their boss rolled into one. There is nothing more frustrating than sitting in traffic, especially when I have some place to be, it's hot out (I have no AC in my car), and I have to go to the restroom.
Now the thing that really gets me about traffic in Vancouver, is that "Rush Hour" starts between 2 and 3 PM, and ends after 6PM. That is just the afternoon rush... What else drives me insane about traffic? Glad you asked. There is usually some asshole who doesn't think he (or she) has to wait, so they will drive along the shoulder and just cut in where ever the hell they feel like. This city is at least 10 years behind in infrastructure, if they had twinned the port mann bridge 10 years ago, there would be a hell of a lot less traffic between Surrey and the rest of greater Vancouver (Don't even get me started on how I feel about the fact that they are planning on tolling us on that stupid bridge...)
Traffic makes me want to pull out my hair, and I don't have much hair left to pull out...

Friday, March 16, 2012


Here I am bitching again. Today's issue? Crackheads!
Before you bleeding hearts start in on me again, I am not labeling everyone who uses crack, and I am including other people who potentially use other drugs.  My city has a big problem with crackheads (also not necessarily homeless, I have nothing against most of the homeless)
Now for some explaining: Crackheads are the type you see who pester (not beg) people for money. They can be aggressive, rude, smelly, etc.  Crackheads are the ones who steal from cars, steal cars, commit low level fraud, rob children, etc.  Why am I not ranting about the police in this matter? The police do the best job that they can with such an over burdened court system.
Homeless may beg, but they do it politely. Crackheads expect you to give them your hard earned cash, they expect your government to give them your hard earned tax dollars in the way of a welfare check. Crackheads expect too damn much.
What we need? Mandatory drug testing for all welfare recipients. Test positive for crack/meth/heroin? TOO FUCKING BAD! No welfare for you!
What am I going to do about it? Fuck all. That's right, I'm going to sit here on my fat ass and eat sausage that I bought and paid for, while I bitch and complain to nobody in particular. What else am I going to do? Keep my change and put it into a jar for later instead of the hand of some unappreciative cretin who expects it.
I hope everyone else starts hanging onto their change.
I complain a lot! GAAAH!!!


Like most of you, I hate taxes.
Now before anyone starts bitching and says "But taxes make essential services work". I fucking know that. In the part of my country I live, we are taxed on everything; Food, gas, clothing, etc. You get the picture. Now what really bothers me right now about taxes is I happen to be a parent. Being a parent (and an angry one at that) you can assume that I am divorced/seperated/whatever. This means that I pay child support. I want to make it clear that I have no issue with child support. I made the child(ren) therefore I should have to pay to raise it/him/her/them. What really pisses me off here is the fact that I pay my taxes on my income (a significant portion of my check) and then (you guessed it) I have to pay my child support out of what is remaining. This is fine, however I have a shitty job. I make very little money. I live in a city that has an excessive cost of living. They base my child support off of my before tax income. Not my after tax income. This is kindof FUCKED here is it not? Child support is not tax deductible either. I got to take it up the ass on my tax return. Did I mention I was told by my tax prefessional that I cannot claim my offspring on my taxes? That's Right! I cannot claim a dependant because even though I pay for my offspring, my offspring does not live with me.
I am sitting here in a terrible mood.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

It was bound to happen sooner or later...

We all knew this day would come.  Well maybe not you, but I sure did.  Today is the day I finally lost it.  The problem is, nobody is quite sure what "It" is. "It" could be my last shred of sanity, "it" could also be my decency.  Until we finally figure out what "It" actually is, be afraid. Very afraid. (For all you lawyer types thinking "He can't say that, he could be making death threats or something!!!!" I am not. Nobody is about to die.  At least not by my hands, or in any way, shape or form related to this blog post.)
Today while working my shitty dead end job (well, one of them) I decided that I am just going to say "Fuck it" from now on.  This was after my boss decided that my workload is not ridiculous enough already.  (To give a little story on what I get paid to do,  I essentially get paid to ride a bicycle and look either pretty, or like a jackass (weather dependant of course) I am not going to say what line of work I do, simply because there are not enough posts here to try to keep that a secret)
To cut this short (well less long) I forgot what I was writing about.  I have terrible writing skills.